Today's best IELTS tip looks at multiple-choice task types in the IELTS Reading Test.
Make sure you read the options carefully. In parfticular you should look out for misleading options. Misleading options :
- say something which may be true but is not in the text
Remember you are only answering questions about the text. I have seen a number of students lose marks because they fall into this 'trap'.
- use words from the text in an untrue statement.
Again, I have seen many students fall into this 'trap'. Read the options carefully and make sure you know what each one actually means. When you choose an option, imagine that I am there asking you 'Why?' and that you must justify why you chose that particular option and why the others are not correct.
For speaking test tips, why not download my free IELTS Speaking report; Speaking Test Tips from an IELTS Tutor. I'm sure you'll find it useful!
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