Friday, October 22, 2010

Best IELTS Reading Test Tip

Today's best IELTS tip is bout the IELTS Reading Test.
One of the task types in the IELTS Reading Test is when you are given a summary with gaps and are given a choice of words to fill in the gaps.
The first thing you should be aware of is that these summary tasks often relate to only one particular section of the text.  You should therefore identify that section to save time when looking for the answers.
As you might expect, there are usually more words than gaps, you therefore need to also take a look at my tips in my post 'Using 'key words' in the IELTS Reading Test'.
For speaking test tips, why not download my free IELTS Speaking report; Speaking Test Tips from an IELTS Tutor.  I'm sure you'll find it useful!
If you're enjoying my best IELTS tips, why not look me up on 'youtube'.  My channel is 'bestieltsonline'.


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