Today's best IELTS tip is the 'Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 plan' I give my students so that they can approah their Task 1 Writing in a systematic way:
Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 plan
1. Look at the task. What is the topic? What do you have to do?
2. Decide what the time period is (look at the axis). Is it
- finished?
- not finished?
- future (projected figures)?
Think about the verb tenses you will use.
3. What is the topic? Write a sentence to introduce the information.
e.g. The graph shows....................
4. Write a general sentence to show the trend. e.g.
In general,...........
5. Give a more in-depth description. Give the details.
6. Write a sentence to conclude your writing. e.g.
To sum up,..........................
To summarise,.....................
In conclusion,......................
7. Check your writing.
Print off these guidelines and follow them when doing practice tests until they become habit.
For speaking test tips, why not download my free IELTS Speaking report; Speaking Test Tips from an IELTS Tutor. I'm sure you'll find it useful!
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